Sunday, 7 February 2021

The Apocalypse Is Just Around The Corner

Snow is falling over some of the country, but not here in Gosport Hampshire thank goodness, but it's still bloody cold and with the cold comes a tad more pain in my joints. Getting old definitely ain't for wimps that's for sure!

Covid is still kicking arse around the world but hopefully being contained, but not quick enough. I had my first vaccination a few days ago, no after-effects thank goodness, another 12 weeks until the next one, bloody hell! That's three months!😟

Now, I have a theory about the said virus, and most other viruses and bacterium come to that. Conspiracy theorists are blaming China, the USA, or Russia, they could be right but I reckon there's a lot more to it than that. In the past couple of hundred years, man being the curious creature that he is has been exploring dense jungles and caves, opening up ancient tombs, digging deep mines, and generally raping the Earth for its natural resources. It makes me wonder just how many viruses and bacterias have been freed into our modern world? Also coming into contact with many species of animals that wouldn't otherwise come anywhere near us because of our destruction of rain forests and other habitats.

I've always thought that our world would end not through nuclear war or even environmental catastrophe but by some of the smallest creatures on this earth. A little bit of simple research ie: Good old Google, shows that a virus can infect even bacteria and that it needs a host cell to exist in actual fact take a look at this it tells you more

Right now I'm just fed up with this lockdown, with conspiracy theorists, scaremongers, unqualified know-alls, mainstream media, and Government lies. Our world, our way of life, our entire existence is on a downward spiral, and that's going to be the Apocalypse not thermal nuclear destruction as some might think, and now my neck hurts.

Current mood: Calm, thoughtful, and hungry

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