Time: 20.36
Well, it's been a couple of months since I wrote anything on here and then I was full of anxiety as I remember, but not now! About five weeks ago I got the phone call I'd been desperately waiting for and now I'm just four sleeps away from going into Spire hospital for a new hip, the relief I'm feeling is almost euphoric. As I write I'm in three days isolation, but hopefully, the time will fly by and I'll be back home before I know it, assuming nothing goes wrong, and I'm sure nothing will.
Since I last wrote on here I've been on a week's holiday to The Isle of Wight, even though it rained a lot of the time it was good to get away, and any time away with Dawny is always good.
Sadly there was some bad news about my grandson Charlie who's been fighting cancer for three years now. Just when we think he's beaten it, the bad news is that he might not survive it as the cancer has now reached his lymph nodes, I'm still numb after hearing that, goodness knows what Sarah and Jon are feeling and Charlie himself.
Time: 20. 49 Current mood: Calm, anticipating, relieved
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