Monday, 15 April 2024

Dawns Dilemma

 Right now I'm feeling just a little bit stressed. Why? I have a roof over my head, and some money in the bank although I am not that well off, and my general health isn't that bad, apart from my knackered joints that prevent me from walking. So, why am I feeling stressed?

I worry about Dawn, she's been dealt a bad hand the past four years, first, there were problems with her son and his girlfriend, and then her dad got dementia and she ended up looking after him for about a year before her and her brother managed to get him into a care home. In between that, there were other family issues she had to deal with, one being her Mum passing away just after Christmas. Then there's her own flat and garden which have been neglected through no fault of her own.

There's very little I can do for her physically, I feel so helpless watching her trying to build this or clear that. She tries to do too much at once, she ends up spending money she doesn't need to, and then gets stressed. Tiredness and fatigue kick in and then she takes to her bed. She's a strong-minded determined person, but there are times when she needs to step back and take stock of her life, she's 70 years old for goodness sake, and should not be doing what she does.

I'm not a religious person but I must admit to praying for her at times. Come on Universe, give her a break, she doesn't deserve all this crap!

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